Small Island States With the exception of Malta and Cyprus in the Mediterranean,
all of the small island states considered here are located within
the tropics. About one-third of the states comprise a single main
island; the others are made up of several or many islands. Low-lying
island states and atolls are especially vulnerable to climate
change and associated sea-level rise because in many cases (e.g.,
the Bahamas, Kiribati, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands), much
of the land area rarely exceeds 3-4 m above present mean sea level.
Many islands at higher elevation also are vulnerable to climate
change effects, particularly in their coastal zones, where the
main settlements and vital economic infrastructure almost invariably
are concentrated. Ecosystems: Although projected temperature rise is not anticipated to have
widespread adverse consequences, some critical ecosystems, such
as coral reefs, are very sensitive to temperature changes. Although
some reefs have the ability to keep pace with the projected rate
of sea-level rise, in many parts of the tropics (e.g., the Caribbean
Sea, the Pacific Ocean) some species of corals live near their
limits of temperature tolerance. Elevated seawater temperatures
(above seasonal maxima) can seriously damage corals by bleaching
and also impair their reproductive functions, and lead to increased
mortality. The adaptive capacity of mangroves to climate change
is expected to vary by species, as well as according to local
conditions (e.g., the presence or absence of sediment-rich, macrotidal
environments, the availability of adequate fresh water to maintain
the salinity balance). The natural capacity of mangroves to adapt
and migrate landward also is expected to be reduced by coastal
land loss and the presence of infrastructure in the coastal zone.
On some islands, ecosystems already are being harmed by other
anthropogenic stresses (e.g., pollution), which may pose as great
a threat as climate change itself. Climate change would add to
these stresses and further compromise the long-term viability
of these tropical ecosystems. Hydrology and Water Resources: Freshwater shortage is a serious problem in many small island
states, and many such states depend heavily on rainwater as the
source of water. Changes in the patterns of rainfall may cause
serious problems to such nations. Coastal Systems: Higher rates of erosion and coastal land loss are expected in
many small islands as a consequence of the projected rise in sea
level. In the case of Majuro atoll in the Marshall Islands and
Kiribati, it is estimated that for a 1-m rise in sea level as
much as 80 per cent and 12.5 per cent (respectively) of total
land would be vulnerable. Generally, beach sediment budgets are
expected to be adversely affected by reductions in sediment deposition.
On high islands, however, increased sediment yield from streams
will help to compensate for sand loss from reefs. Low-lying island
states and atolls also are expected to experience increased sea
flooding, inundation and salinization (of soils and freshwater
lenses) as a direct consequence of sea-level rise. Human Settlements and Infrastructure: In a number of islands, vital infrastructure and major concentrations
of settlements are likely to be at risk, given their location
at or near present sea level and their proximity to the coast
(often within 1-2 km; e.g., Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Maldives, the
Bahamas). Moreover, vulnerability assessments also suggest that
shore and infra-structure protection costs could be financially
burdensome for some small island states. Human Health: Climate change is projected to exacerbate health problems such
as heat-related illness, cholera, dengue fever and biotoxin poisoning,
and would place additional stress on the already over-extended
health systems of most small islands. Tourism: Tourism is the dominant economic sector in a number of small island
states in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
In 1995, tourism accounted for 69 per cent, 53 per cent, and 50
per cent of gross national product (GNP) in Antigua, the Bahamas
and the Maldives, respectively. This sector also earns considerable
foreign exchange for a number of small island states, many of
which are heavily dependent on imported food, fuel and a range
of other vital goods and services. Foreign exchange earnings from
tourism also provided more than 50 per cent of total revenues
for some countries in 1995. Climate change and sea-level rise
would affect tourism directly and indirectly: loss of beaches
to erosion and inundation, salinization of freshwater aquifers,
increasing stress on coastal ecosystems, damage to infrastructure
from tropical and extra-tropical storms, and an overall loss of
amenities would jeopardize the viability and threaten the long-term
sustainability of this important industry in many small islands.
Conclusions: To evaluate the vulnerability of these island states to projected
climate change, a fully integrated approach to vulnerability assessments
is needed. The interaction of various bio-physical attributes
(e.g., size, elevation, relative isolation) with the islands'
economic and sociocultural character ultimately determines the
vulnerability of these islands. Moreover, some islands are prone
to periodic nonclimate-related hazards (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis); the overall vulnerability of these islands
cannot be accurately evaluated in isolation from such threats.
Similarly, vulnerability assessments for these small island states
should take into consideration the value of nonmarketed goods
and services (e.g., subsistence assets, community structure, traditional
skills and knowledge), which also may be at risk from climate
change. In some island societies, these assets are just as important
as marketed goods and services. Uncertainties in climate change projections may discourage adaptation,
especially because some options may be costly or require changes
in societal norms and behavior. As a guiding principle, policies
and development programmes which seek to use resources in a sustainable
manner, and which can respond effectively to changing conditions
such as climate change, would be beneficial to the small island
states, even if climate change did not occur. The small island states are extremely vulnerable to global climate
change and global sea-level rise. A range of adaptation strategies
are theoretically possible. On some small low-lying island states
and atolls, however, retreat away from the coasts is not an option.
In some extreme cases, migration and resettlement outside of national
boundaries might have to be considered.
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