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These pages are meant to be viewed with Netscape NavigatorTM 3.0 or above, with QuickTime (QuickTime comes with Netscape 3.0 and above), with Java installed, and the appropriate free  plug-ins, and a monitor set to at least thousands of colors.

The free RealPlayer is available from Version 5.0 of RealPlayer has system requirements which you might want to look at before you download. Version 3.0 is still available for those with older, slower computers. However, video and sound encoded with the newer (version 5.0) encoder may not play with RealPlayer 3.0.

Remember, when in doubt, RELOAD the page. If you still have a problem, send EMail describing the problem and identify the page where the problem occurred.

  If, for some reason, you wish to view the pages with some browser other than Netscape, there are a few things you can do to make them look their best:

  • Set the background color to the document default.
  • Set the font size to 12 (10 is acceptable) and to the document default color.
  • Set your monitor to display at least thousands of colors.
  •   Make sure that you have the latest version of whatever browser you intend to use and that you have the helper applications for sound and for viewing jpegs, gifs and QuickTimeTM movies.

  Below are some of the download sites for everything that you will need for the best viewing of these pages.

  Sites for Other Browsers and Helper Applications for Macintosh, Windows and Unix.

Downloading and uploading compressed and uncompressed files from HTTP and FTP Servers:

FTP instructions:
Pease use an FTP client to upload files. You will need a login ID and a Passcode.

If you have a problem downloading files with you browser (the file opens in the browser window instead of downloading) try (Macintosh) holding down the option key as you click on the link and (Windows) hold down the shift key as you click on the link.

Macintosh users please note that compressed files may be in the .zip format which you can unzip with Stuffit ExpanderTM.

Thank You,

Diane Adams

b y D e s i g n
Wednesday, March 12,

Your comments are welcome.

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