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Finding Coal


Finding coal used to be done by prospectors. Today in the US it is done primarily by geologists. Most of the large deposits are believed to have been found by now.

Trade Associations:

Geological Society of America

Yahoo Sites:

Science: Earth Sciences: Geology and Geophysics.
Business and Economy: Companies: Scientific: Geology and Geophysics.
Science: Earth Sciences: Geology and Geophysics: Exploration Geophysics.
Computers and Internet: Software: Scientific: Geology and Geophysics.
Mining and mineral exploration companies

Regulation: The science of coal exploration is regulated primarily by peer review of association memberships, research grants, and publication in scientific journals. Staking of claims is generally regulated by the states, unless claims are on federal land.

Government information:

Energy Information Administration (home page),

plus EIA's State Coal Profiles (a menu of PDF contents): This publication summarizes basic information on the coal deposits, the development of the coal industry, and the use of coal in each of the 27 States with coal production in 1992. Includes use of coal from other states. This information should serve as the basis for more detailed analyses of the role an individual State's coal resources and coal industry have in contributing to the Nation's coal requirements. File Size: 6 meg, segmented.

US Geologogical Survey provides maps, research reports and educational materials.

Trade periodicals:

International Journal of Coal Geology - highly technical but excellent. Many related Elsevier journals.

Other sources:

International Humic Substances Society - organization for professionals in the coal, soil, and water sciences with interests in humic substances.

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