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Oil Transport


Oil and oil products are moved by ship, barge, truck, rail and pipeline. The oil transport system is global, including super tankers and contintent crossing pipelines. Since oil is often used far from where it is found, several means may be used along the way.

Trade Associations:

American Institute of Mining, Metalurgical and Petroleum Engineers.
American Petroleum Institute.


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates interstate oil pipelines.


Government information:

Energy Information Administration (home page)
--Petroleum menu page with links to many douments and databases.

Trade periodicals and publications:

PennWell has books, maps of oil pipelines, directories and databases.

Other sources:

Crutchfield Energy Data - oil and gas prices for market intelligence within the petroleum and energy industry. Oil and gas prices are both current and historical to 1975.

Sample Companies:

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company operates the Alaska oil pipeline.
Lakehead Pipe Line Company, Inc. has an important pipeline to Lake Superior.
Plantation Pipe Line Company is a small Southern firm.
Williams Companies has many pipelines in the US.

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